Truth and Beauty
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Phase 6: Honour Life with ...

1.   Balance 

This is a state of being in proportion, one thing to another. Our activities should include work and play, rest and relaxation, giving and receiving, learning and teaching, as well as time alone, with God, and with others. 


2.   Expansion 

This involves growth – a natural evolutionary process. We tend to limit ourselves because of our fear or expectations of others. However, we should try to expand our vision of who we are. If we don’t grow, we tend to make excuses or blame others. We can ask God to show us ourselves as we really are – and may be amazed at the new vision for our life which will enable us to expand into our divine identity. Ask the Holy Spirit for the necessary guidance to expand your vision into the realization of all the divine good that life has in store for you. 


3.   Gratitude 

This is the recognition and expression of appreciation for what is, an attitude of acknowledgement and thankfulness. Life is a fantastic gift. It is easy to get so wrapped up in doing that we forget to be grateful for the ability to do. To walk, breathe, think, see, hear and feel are all invaluable gifts. They are each an inherent element of the life we have done nothing to receive. We tend to take our gifts for granted and are ungrateful. 


Learn to experience gratitude as an experience of being alive. When we become grateful to this degree, we begin to notice the small things – blinking of the eye, beating of the heart, growth of the fingernails. We acknowledge everything we have and, more importantly recognize who we are – a living expression of the Creator of the Universe and something truly marvellous. Gratitude is a state of consciousness, an experience of living in a state of joy. It is like a magnet that attracts more of it to itself – the more grateful we are, the more life will bring to be grateful for. 


4.   Order 

There is a natural order to everything in life – life unfolds and develops in an orderly manner, even though it may not always look like it when it is happening. Our steps are ordered by our choices which in turn are ordered by our experiences which are ordered by the divine purpose for our lives. The purpose for each of us is to remember to trust the divine process of life. Order is the grace of God that brings to us what we need, when we need it. 


The order of our physical environment is a reflection of the order or state of mind – it demonstrates what we have learned, what we are thinking, and what we are ready to receive.  

We can put our mind in order by focusing on one thing at a time, doing it well and seeing it as an opportunity for the next step in our development. We can put our spirit in order by replacing fearful, doubtful, angry thoughts with thoughts about the grace of God, and by accepting that God’s purpose, plan and will for us is the orderly development of our soul’s destiny. We are where we need to be in order to learn or remember. 


5.   Joy 

While happiness depends on external circumstances, joy is an internal process and state of being – an emotional stimulation in response to spiritual inspiration. Happiness can come and go moment to moment, whereas joy, grounded in the spirit, has a far-reaching and lasting impact. It is knowing that everything is OK right now because the universe operates on unconditional love. Joy leads to happiness, but happiness doesn’t lead to joy. 


Joy is the ability to stand in the knowledge of spiritual truth no matter what the physical experiences. We will still experience negative emotions, but when it happens, joy will provide an inner strength and resourcefulness to keep going regardless of the circumstances. 


6.   Unconditional love 

God has an unconditional love for each person and for all that exists. This love is the energy in which we live, move and have our being, and the power that permeates every atom, cell, and molecule. It is the reality through which each person’s life is unfolding. As we accept, acknowledge and embrace God’s unconditional love, it becomes the guiding force of our life. 


The only challenge we face in recognizing and receiving God’s love is the demand of the ego. This dark, shadowy side of us wants us to believe we are not capable of being loved by anyone, particularly not by God. It keeps us in shame, guilt and confusion about our true identity. The ego also keeps us resistant to telling the truth and then uses our dishonesty to breed fear in our hearts. Unconditional love of self and others is the only way to dismantle our ego. This love is the understanding that no matter what we do or how we behave, God loves us and is waiting for us to embody and demonstrate love at all times and under all circumstances. 


We’ll still sometimes fall into the traps of our ego and become aware of attitudes and behaviours that are fear-based, judgmental, controlling, and unloving. When this happens, admit them and call forth the presence and energy of the divine unconditional love. Simply be willing to change and the change will unfold naturally. 



 Iyanla Vanzant, One Day My Soul Just Opened Up (Fireside, New York, 1998)


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