Welcome to Truth &
This website strives to promote what is true, beautiful, noble, uplifting, inspiring and
helpful -- whatever its source may be. Its purpose is to be a spiritual oasis providing rest,
inspiration, edification, and refreshment to weary travellers through life.
The Truth section contains edifying information
and wisdom for life -- both physical and spiritual. Information is grouped under several categories and comes from
various sources -- religious as well as secular. There are also references to other sources and websites that may
be helpful.
In the Beauty section, several photo
galleries display the beauty of nature and art, with another segment featuring beauty in word and deed.
(For more images of nature and art, visit my father's website www.henrydegen.com.)
The Free Downloads combines truth and
beauty in creative picture/text files featuring nuggets of truth
surrounded by the beauty of nature. Feel free to download one or more of the PDF files for personal edification
or sharing with friends.
For a more detailed overview of features and articles, go to
Site Map.
The site content obviously reflects the author's thinking and preferences. It is realized that just as beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder, truth is also subjective, and no one is in possession of complete truth about anything.
However, various perspectives, albeit partial perceptions of truth, can enrich the equally partial
perceptions of others.
Therefore browse, evaluate, and take what will be of help to
you. May you leave edified, inspired and refreshed with a desire to visit
Beauty is truth, truth is beauty,
that is all ye know on Earth, and all ye need to know. John Keats
Beauty is truth's smile when she beholds her face in a perfect mirror.
Rabindranath Tagore
As you look at God's craftsmanship in nature and the
thank God for such magnificent beauty and the truth
it reveals about the Creator.
Living Application Bible, p. 890