Phase 5: Honour Your Process with ...
1. Authenticity
are all imperfect and fallible. However, we tend to play all kinds of games to cover our mistakes and
imperfections. We deny, make excuses, pretend ignorance and more. In order to be authentic, we need to be
willing to acknowledge and accept the natural outgrowths of everything we think, say, and do in this life.
These can manifest through how others act toward us because people around us are mirrors of the various
aspects of ourselves.
Authenticity also requires that we stay in touch with our feelings – not denying how we
feel or holding feelings back. Learn to identify and acknowledge how we feel as feelings are what makes us
unique and authentic. Own our hurts, fears and pain – don’t blame others for
Another aspect of authenticity is not comparing with others, but acknowledge our uniqueness
as a true and original part of the Master. Lastly, do what you do in your own way and allow others the same
courtesy. It is only through our authenticity that God in us can be recognised and
2. Patience
Patience is a mental attitude of calm and poise, a demonstration of steadfastness and
assurance. It is the willingness to totally surrender to the wisdom of God, and the ability to discern the
unfolding of a divine plan in the midst of a storm. Without patience, we worry, complain, and even give up
hope – all this because we lack trust and assume that delay is a denial. Patience enables us to retreat to
our core when we are being challenged and remember that we are in the process of spiritual unfolding – that
spirit will give us experiences to ensure that our development is on spiritual schedule. We are ultimately
not in control of our lives, but by patiently waiting and trusting, we will glorify the presence of the
Divine in our being.
3. Faith
True faith is an inner knowing that brings spiritual and emotional assurance. Faith of and
by itself is not something to acquire or develop, but rather it is a part of being alive. The key is to place
our faith in the appropriate things. If we understand, apply, and focus on the love-based spiritual laws of
the universe, we can rest in confidence rather than worrying. Those who have mastered true faith place their
thoughts on the goodness and all-sufficiency of the Divine, understanding that the power of their minds will
attract the exact reflection of their most dominant thought. Surrendering our will to the will of the Holy
Spirit and applying the laws of love and good intention toward ourselves and those around us, there will be a
knowing that the laws of the universe will work on our behalf. This knowing is faith. Fear, doubt and worry
work against faith while embracing the truth of our identity as a child of God and our worthiness of God’s
good promote trust and awareness of the ever-present grace of the Divine and therefore
4. Discipline
This is an orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behaviour that contributes to our
character and well-being. It means attending to life’s issues as needed without avoidance or procrastination.
When we honour ourselves and our lives, we become disciplined about how we care for and attend to our needs.
When we accept and acknowledge that we and our life are part of a loving divine process, we’ll want to
actively participate in the process. We’ll understand that what we do and how we do it will determine how far
we go and how quickly we’ll make progress. Discipline is not easy, but it is a necessary step to develop, the
only real demonstration of the value we place on ourselves.
Reference: Iyanla
Vanzant, One Day My Soul Just
Opened Up (Fireside, New York, 1998)
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Continued on p. 6