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Page: Twelve Laws of Spirit

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Twelve Laws of Spirit
or Twelve Universal Laws of Life

The following laws operate in the human sphere irrespective of what religion one may adhere to – in fact they come from and overlap the wisdom of several of the spiritual traditions. They are omnipresent laws of the Spirit, also reflected in the natural world. If followed, they will bring harmony and happiness into life.

1. The Law of Balance
Honouring this law by practising self-control, avoiding all extremes, taking the middle way, and leaning the other way whenever out of balance will bring internal peace and serenity into life. (For biblical references, see Prov. 30:8-9; Acts 24:25; Gal. 5:22-23; 2 1 Thess. 5:6; Pet. 1:5-7.)

2. The Law of Choices
The freedom of choice is both a blessing and a burden. It means that there is nothing we have to do, but in choosing among alternatives, we are co-creators of our destiny and can live life fully. While we cannot always control circumstances, we can control our response to them. Through this, we are not victims, but become empowered and responsible for our lives. All choices have consequences and our actions will determine the quality of our lives. (For biblical references, see Deut. 11:26-28; 30:11-20; Gal. 6:7-9).

3. The Law of Process
Life is a journey and every accomplishment begins with a vision, goal, and the first step. Every stage in the process needs to be gone through – little by little, one step at a time. The key is to enjoy the journey, rather than overly focus on the goal and miss the views along the way. The vision, however, needs to be kept in the heart for it will sustain us when obstacles arise on the journey. There is seldom failure in the process – except when one gives up and stops trying. (For biblical references, see Ex 23:28-30; Deut. 7:22; Prov. 13:11; Matt. 7:24-27; Heb. 11:10; 12:1-8; 13:12-14.)

4. The Law of the Present
Time is a paradox in that the past and future only exist in one’s mind and hence are illusions. Only the present is real – it is the only dimension one can live in. Therefore to spend energy on past regrets or future worries is unhelpful. Rather, live and enjoy the present moment to the full, journeying through life on a moment-by-moment basis. (For biblical references, see Prov. 27:1; Matt. 6:31-34; Luke 12:19-20; Phil. 3:13-14.)

5. The Law of Compassion
At the heart of this law is the fact that every person does the best they can within the limits of their beliefs and capabilities. God has set in motion the law of cause and effect which gives us a means to learn from our mistakes and grow to maturity. Even though despicable people exist and need to be separated from society to stop their destructive behaviour, it is better for our own good to treat them with compassion, forgiveness and love, rather than hate. In this way, we are not filling our world with negative energy. Realizing that we are all fighting a hard battle, all joined together in the mystery of life, and all going to depart from this world one day, can help us be compassionate and forgiving toward ourselves as well as toward others. (For biblical references, see Matt 7:1-4; Luke 6:27-42; 23:34; John 12:47-48; Rom 12:14; 14:4; 1 Cor 4:3-5.)

6. The Law of Faith 
This law involves sensing the wonder and mystery of the universe and trusting the inherent love and intelligence that pervades everything. It is recognition that Spirit works in and through each person and every circumstance, and that whatever happens serves a higher good despite appearances to the contrary. This transforms one’s perception and experience of the world and enables seeing every challenge as instruction and opportunity for growth. Faith begins by listening to the intuitive wisdom of the heart through which God speaks. Higher intelligence comes through our mind and brain as through a receiver if we are attuned to it. An intuitive decision, which seemingly turned bad was not necessarily a wrong decision. Despite uncertainty, confusion and terrible things happening in the world, living by faith enables one to see the Spirit operating in all things according to a perfect higher will. Faith involves the willingness to stretch, to make mistakes and to trust the process of life. (For biblical references, see Ps 139:7-17; Rom 1:17; 8:18-39; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38; 12:1-13.)

7. The Law of Expectation
Energy follows thought – which reflects our deep beliefs and imagination. Experience is created by our assumptions and expectations. Before anything manifests in the world, it first appears as a thought or image in someone’s mind. Therefore every positive thought is a prayer and will be answered. Beliefs must be examined, self-defeating doubts replaced with vivid images, and new beliefs created based on clear intention. Even if there is no visible evidence to support a belief, the expectation will attract the evidence. What we see depends where we choose to look which depends on what we expect to see. Our beliefs influence our choices and even our energy field to which others will respond. Wrong beliefs can be changed by first recognizing them and acknowledging them for what they are, then counteracting them with a positive belief. Airing doubts will root them out from the deeper mind so that they can dissolve in the light of awareness. What we focus on expands – therefore focus on solutions, not problems. Create a vision of who you would become and you will become it. (For biblical references, see Matt. 8:5-13; 9:27-30; Mk 6:3-6; John 11:39-44.)

8. The Law of Integrity
Integrity means living and acting in alignment with spiritual law and with our highest vision despite impulses to the contrary. It is aligning with the God-ordained laws of love. If envy, greed and manipulation influence our actions, the consequences are inevitable. When breaking spiritual law, the act itself is the punishment as subtle forces are set in motion whose consequences we cannot escape. Integrity means to be true to oneself – knowing and being ourselves so that our actions are authentic and consistent with our highest intentions. Motives and intents make a vast difference in givers and recipients because what is dealt with is the currency of the self. Integrity is about accepting ourselves as we are, doing our best, and learning from our mistakes. It means acknowledging our weaknesses and drawing on our inner strengths so we become a light to others. It is living according to our highest light and expecting more light to be given. (For biblical references, see Lev. 5:17; Matt. 5:14-16; Lk 12:42-48; Gal. 5:16-25; 6:7-9.)

9. The Law of Action
Knowledge without action is of no use – only actions bring potential to life. Understanding comes from doing and wisdom out of practice. Turning ideas into actions requires energy and sacrifice because to act is to risk. Even in uncertainty, it is better to do the best one knows rather than to have excuses and do nothing. One overcomes the inertia to acting by accepting our humanity and physical presence in the world; realizing that we are responsible for our life and will grow stronger through our efforts; and by acting regardless of the discomfort action may entail. Despite fears and doubts, we need to act with courage and in line with our highest ideals. However, sometimes there is time for non-action and stillness, despite impulses to act. The wisdom of the heart, when listened to, will reveal what to do in various situations. (For biblical references, see Psalm 46:10; Eccl. 3:1; Matt. 25:14-30; Rom. 2:13-15; Jas 2:20-26.)

10. The Law of Cycles
Nature moves and dances in rhythms, patterns, and cycles – everything happens in its own time. Change is natural but feels like a blessing or curse depending on our desires. As the seasons change, we must do as well. The momentum of change leads us to greater awareness, wisdom and peace. There are seasons for everything – they should be enjoyed with their accompanying work and responsibilities. Aligning with the cycles of time and transformation, we can ride changes as ships ride the waves. All things have most favourable and least favourable time – door open and close, energies rise and fall. Even enlightenment has its own timing. (For biblical references, see Gen 21:2; Eccl. 3:1-8; Matt. 26:18; Mk 1:15; John 7:6, 30; 12:23; 17:1; Rom. 5:6; Gal. 4:4; 2 Pet 3:18.)

11. The Law of Surrender
Surrender means accepting all that life entails – events, as well as our bodies, thoughts, and feelings – with open arms. Life guided by Spirit is our training. Seeing negative circumstances in that perspective transforms them. It involves submitting to and living in accord with a higher will expressed as the wisdom of the heart – and learning to want what we get (since life doesn’t always give us what we want). It epitomises Jesus’ attitude “not my will but your will be done.” If we listen to our hearts, we’ll perceive divine guidance that will be for the good of all concerned. Surrender is not passive acceptance, but rather using every challenge as a means of spiritual growth and expanded awareness.
Relaxation is the body’s way of surrendering to the moment, letting go of fixed ideas of what “should” happen, and being able to respond to each moment without judgment or expectation. Blending in with life’s forces, rather than struggling against them and wasting energy on what one cannot control, will help one apply this law. The more we let go of attachments and clinging to our own ways, the greater freedom we’ll feel. Surrender is an act of humility, an acknowledgement that our minds cannot fathom the mystery of life, but that despite problems, all in the universe is unfolding as it needs to. (For biblical references, see Matt. 16:24-25; 26:39; Lk 22:42; John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38; Rom. 10:3; Jas 4:7; Heb. 12:9.)

12. The Law of Unity
As each rain drop is a part of the sea, we are all part of the Ocean of Awareness, the Body of God. We’re all one Family. Yet this truth can only be perceived from a higher state of awareness. Even though at the level of daily reality we have separate bodies, minds, and emotions, and appear to exist separately, a shift in perception reveals that we are all the same Consciousness, manifesting in different bodies. Each person is a soul or higher self living in a body, which is a manifestation of the divine Awareness, Love, and Wisdom called God. It is also manifest through all that exists. Therefore there is oneness with all of creation. This perception is only given by grace. If we align with the truth deep within our heart, we’ll see all people as aspects of our larger self – we are everyone and everywhere and at one with the universe. This realization will change how we relate to others – dilemmas and conflicts will be resolved and wounds healed. (For biblical references, see Zech. 14:9; John 14:20-23; 17:11-20; Rom. 15:5-6; 1 Cor. 15:28; Eph. 4:3-6; Phil. 2:2.)

Reference: Dan Millman,
 The Laws of  Spirit – A Tale of Transformation (California: H. J. Kramer / New World Library, 1995).

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Hidden Treasure Within Us
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The Potential Good Within Evil
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